Reasons Kids Should Learn to Code


When it comes to preparing your kids for the future, there are few better ways than learning to code! Valuable, if not necessary in the 21st century, code4kids helps them develop academically, building perseverance and organization, skills that can translate into a career.

Here are the top reasons kids of all ages should learn to code:

Coding Improves Academic Performance

  1. Math: Coding teaches kids to visualize abstract concepts, lets them apply math to real-world situations, and makes math fun and creative!
  2. Writing: Kids who code understand the value of concision and planning, which results in better writing skills. Many kids even use Tynker as a medium for storytelling!
  3. Creativity: Kids learn through experimentation and strengthen their brains when they code, allowing them to embrace their creativity.
  4. Confidence: Parents enthusiastically report that they’ve noticed their kids’ confidence building as they learn problem-solving through coding!

Coding Builds Soft Skills

  1. Focus and Organization: As they write more complicated code, kids naturally develop better focus and organization.
  2. Resilience: With coding comes debugging – and there’s no better way to build perseverance and resilience than working through challenges!
  3. Communication: Coding teaches logical communication, strengthening both verbal and written skills. Think about it: learning code means learning a new language!

Coding Paves a Path to the Future

  1. Empowerment: Coding gives kids the power to make a difference – we’ve seen kids use what have learned in coding to make a different from the original habits of indulging in game playing.
  2. Life Skills: Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it’s important for kids to understand – and be able to innovate with – the technology around them.
  3. Career Preparation: There’s a high demand for workers with coding skills in the tech industry; mastering code at a young age allows kids to excel in any field they choose!

Code4Kids Class makes it fun and easy for kids to learn how to code!

Kids use Explore our plans and get your child started coding today! It is important for kids to understand and be able to work with and understand the technology around them. Having children learn coding at a young age prepares them for the future.

1 thought on “Reasons Kids Should Learn to Code”

  1. Andy says:

    Python Programming is Perfect for Beginners.

    Unlike the majority of programming languages, Python’s syntax is concise and easily readable by humans. It mirrors the human language far better than any other programming language which makes it an ideal language for beginners. It just makes sense.

    Writing code in Python is similar to writing commands in plain English. As beginners, kids will quickly pick up the basics and learn how to use this language for game development and animation.

    This is a near perfect environment for new, young coders because of the clean, uncomplicated syntax. If your student is intimidated by curly brackets and semicolons and lengthy phrases, Python is a great solution. It’s actually often described as the closest you can get to old-school BASIC (WITHOUT the bad habits).

    With Python, you wouldn’t need to dive right into the deep end of object-oriented programming just to accomplish simple programs. You can start right at the basics and work up from there to avoid any daunting challenges.

    Python for kids is beginner friendly and reduces the risk of frustration, which can sometimes cause kids to fall away from computer programming – sometimes for good.

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