Python 1 Class Brief Outline

We are happy to offer a course that teaches your kids (11+) to Python code. These lessons devoted to basic Python concepts: variables, loops, functions, and more. Each week we add one lesson with a specific key topic, exercises, and challenges that assist children to cover the distance from a beginner to an expert. Especially we focus on Python Turtle module which is a nice way to teach kids programming. Using this graphics module, it’s possible to build math and science projects, quizzes, simulate physics phenomena create games and make animation. We hope you enjoy this course and appreciate the feedback. Have fun.


1.Python Environment, Hello World, Comments etc.
2.Variables, Input and Output etc.
3.Turtle Graphics etc.
4.Getting Loopy, Random Fun etc.
5.Strings, Loopy to Simulate Rolling Dice etc.
6.Defining a Function, Parameters, Procedural Programming etc.
7.Function Return, Using Functions etc.
8.Numbers, Binary System, More Math Problems etc.
9.True or False, Branches, Rock Paper Scissors etc.
10.While Loops, More Conditions and If statements, Algorithms etc.
11.Pygame and OOP Basic etc.
12.Pygame Snake etc.

Partial Projects and Homeworks:

1.Cat & Cake Art
2.Fun Jokes
3.Drawing a Rainbow Card
4.Colorful Spirals
5.Spies’ Dictionary & Encryption, Flip Coins
6.Washing Dishes Earned
7.Order Kid Food in Restaurant
8.Loop for Math, Find Prime Numbers
9.Covid 19 Pandemic Maths
10.Factors, LCM & GCF, Math Trick
11.Pygame Square
12.Pygame Moving Cat

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Python 1 for Kids Class 课程简介Python 1 for Kids Class 课程简介

BC省长Christy Clark在2016表示省政府将在学校以必修课形式推动BC省儿童编程教育。通过向6年级至9年级学生提供电脑编程必修课,教授编程相关的技能,训练学生应对未来职业挑战的能力。简蕙芝说:“我们希望,无论是在公校还是私校,每位BC省儿童都能从小学6年级开始都能有机会学习编程,以便终生受用。” 但到目前,基于师资等原因,这个让孩子终身受益的计划实施缓慢。 青少年编程Python基础班主要针对零基础或有初步编程经验的孩子,进行Python面向过程编程的初级知识的学习。本课程将以Python Turtle可视化图形方式辅助孩子学习循环概念,激发学习兴趣,并用Python进行有趣的数学问题的编程,提高数学能力。本课程注重引导孩子学会以编程做为工具解决数学及实际问题。最后一次课程会初步讲解Python游戏编程,引导孩子读懂简单游戏代码,让孩子发现编程其实是很有趣的,并感到有成就感。