Computer-coding basics will be included in British Columbia’s grade-school curriculum come September, as the government emphasizes tech skills in its plan to fill the jobs of the future. Author of
Computer-coding basics will be included in British Columbia’s grade-school curriculum come September, as the government emphasizes tech skills in its plan to fill the jobs of the future. Author of
Tamsyn Burgmann The Canadian Press January 18, 2016 VANCOUVER — Students in British Columbia’s public elementary schools are on track to become the first generation to get basic training in
Python比Java更容易上手学习。Python语法更为简洁易懂,特别适合于做为学习Java前的铺垫。 上图Side by side Java vs. Python. 同样的Employee类,Python代码精简,更加短小,更加易懂。 其实不同的编程语言都是相通的。编程思想是基本一样的。高中设有Java和Computer Science AP课程,如果第一门编程语言就是JAVA, 因为JAVA语法严格,代码较长,如果没有任何其他编程语言做基础的话,学生会觉得初学较难。 Python编程的学习为高中的Java编程的学习奠定基础,会提升他们学习高中计算机课程的信心及能力。 这些赋值,循环,判断及函数的概念,Python与Java是完全一样的。学习Python为学习Java做好准备。刚入门的孩子以Python作为第一门编程语言来学习是非常合适的。Python是大热的明星语言,使用超级广泛,简洁容易上手。无论在数据分析,人工智能及网站开发上,Python做为“全能型”的语言,有者极为广泛的应用前景。